Lyfe app : Hodgkin Lymphoma support tool

Lymphoma Coalition is pleased to present the first and only mobile application dedicated to quality of life issues faced by those with Hogdkin Lymphoma. Reflecting its content and purpose, the mobile app is named Lyfe, a combination of “lymphoma and life”. Life is free and is available for download from Google Play.

One of the unique features of Lyfe is its Community section, which allows patients and support-givers to share their stories and connect with others who are dealing with similar circumstances – locally, nationally, and across the globe. The initial release will include content delivered in English ; other languages will be added in the future as the application scales and grows.

Lyfe has insightful articles which provide practical tips designed to help during all stages of the patient journey. It also includes information geared specifically to those friends and family members who are providing help and support during this challenging time.

There are articles on a number of topics, including:

  • Creating a support system and staying connected
  • Dealing with emotions, anxiety, and stress
  • Handking work-related issues
  • Tips for daily living

Lyfe also contains links to additional information and resources, including Lymphoma Coalition’s member organisations.

Lymphoma Coalition hopes Lyfe makes the journey of patients and those who are providing support a little easier. We have included an easy way for you to provide feedback, which will allow us to continually update Lyfe to ensure it continues to improve and provide the highest possible value.

Learn more at:

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